Sunday, April 6, 2014

May Be I am a Lion

Overcome  Fear in 3 steps

Parkour Beginner's #1 Enemy

When starting Parkour you may find your self feeling fear sometimes, maybe fear to make the fool of you self in public, may be fear to getting heart while training. If you feel like that it's normal, specially if you are just starting, or even more, if you are just thinking about starting. In this post I will cover this fears you may find in your way and also method to learn to control them and finally get rip off. Please, feel free to leave comments and questions below and I will be honor to answer them.

First Step, use your mind

If you want to defeat fear, you must be first very aware of it, I know if you fear something, most sure you know what the source of that fear is. but there may be sometimes when you just fear, if that the case, you need fist to use you mind, just relax and think about it, reflect on ti and even meditate  about it, you need to find here the mind factor of that fear.
Let's say you feel fear before performing a Kong Vault, you need to know why, is that you think you haven't trained that much? Is just lack of confident? Why the fear of that jump? why the fear of that place? etc first find out what do you fear for sure, and when you are be able to point a finger on it then you may proceed.

Second Step, use your body

After you have a clear factor defined, you need to go back to the "Gym" and training will be you guide here. Let's say you feel fear before the Kong Vault like before. If that the case you will use this step to practice the kong vault as much as you can reducing the risk of it, use some airbed around the obstacle, watch videos about people making that move, be sure you know how to do the move the right way, make extra exercise to gain strength and agility, so for this example, you would work out your arms. Train a lot till you almost want to fight that fear, because in this step you gain the confident you need it before, train as much as you need, for you are the only one who knows for sure when you are ready.
While training try to always have in your mind your goal and when you feel ready you may proceed to the final step.

Final Step, use you soul

Once you know what's the source of your fear and have trained for it, you just need to go a defeat your demon. In this step you go to that place and conquer it, you take that jump the best way you can.
 Why I said you need you soul for this step? Well you may have another name to call it, but most sure when you want to defeat your fears, you need to be able to do that final jump, take that step, and in the hardest one because, if you have mediate and trained then do it is the last thing to do, and fear may does a last appearance here. You will need to use your soul, that inner voice, your heart, or whatever you want to call it, to not surrender in the final moment, in this final step, to succeed to need to believe in your self and just complete the task you have trained for. This may sound easy for some,and to hard for others, for those who think this step is not true, believe me, if you have meditate about it, and trained for it, this step is the easiest one, and becomes easier every!

With this 3 steps a think you can defeat you fears and not only for parkour but for most things you have time to reflect about it and train for it! Hope you enjoyed the post and please leave a comment and share! Stay fit and have a great one.

Fox out.

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